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November 2023

Browsing the Archive

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Internet Archive Submits Comments on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence
Earlier this month, The Internet Archive submitted comments to the US Copyright Office as part of its study on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence. The comments were summarized in a blog written by the Internet Archive’s Senior Policy Counsel, Lila Bailey. The piece shares three core principles guiding the comments: 


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A Sea of Nostalgic Treasures in the Collections
Elena Rowan, a sociology graduate student at Concordia University in Montreal, relies on the Internet Archive in her research on activist archiving and the importance of archives and libraries in society. As a research assistant at the Data Justice Hub, a project focusing on data-related skills development for social activists, she values the Internet Archive’s role in preserving knowledge on the Internet, making her research possible. Additionally, she creatively used IA to conduct a workshop, “Curating Nostalgia,” where participants explore digital collections to build personal nostalgia archives. View Elena’s story on our blog!


From Our Collections

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Lots of Paperwork
If you want to pick up a new hobby, learn a party trick, or pass the time during those long work meetings (we’ve been there!), what better way than by learning the art of paper folding? The Complete Book of Origami offers everything needed to learn and practice origami at any skill level. Between the deerViking ship, and over 1000 different models to try, there is much to learn in this fascinating book!

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Bust a Move
If you haven't stumbled upon our Dancing for Busy People collection, you're in luck! This collection of over 350 videos shares a miscellaneous assortment of unique group dance videos performed at various events and showcases. Check out dances such as the Blob Dance, a fun and lively Three Chairs Dance, or the organized Wild Turkey Trio—and who could forget the iconic Cotton Eyed Joe?

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What We're Reading

THE GUARDIAN: ‘No one else is saving it’: the fight to protect a historic music collection

TIMES NOW: 10 Websites That Give You Superpowers!

THE NEWS STACK: A Visit to the Physical Internet Archive

PITCHFORK: Regional Rap Classics Are Slowly Disappearing From the Internet

PC GAMER: The PC Gamer website through the decades, from the '90s to today

HACKADAY: The Golden Age of Gadget Catalogs

CAUTIONARY TALES: Laser Versus Parchment: Doomsday for the Disc

BERKELEY LAW: ‘A National Treasure’: Colleagues Share Heartfelt Tributes to Iconic Professor Pamela Samuelson

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Internet Archive, we would greatly appreciate your support. All donations from now until December 31, 2023 will be matched 1-to-1, effectively doubling your donation! You can help out by visiting archive.org/donate or by texting ARCHIVE to 44321.

Thank you for helping us provide Universal Access To All Knowledge.


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