Dimple Verma, Writer, Coach, Biologist • Updated January 12, 2022
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I recently did a 48 hours Dopamine detox.

I did it because of personal motivation.

But I also wanted to know if it really worked or not.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter made in...

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Abhishek Dangi, BSC Jhunjhunu Academy, University of Rajasthan (2017) • Answered December 20
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The reason for Bugatti's decision dates back to 2006, at an enormous event where Mission Impossible 3 was premiering.

Tom parked his Bugatti Veyron on the red carpet, came o...

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Ashley Riggs, lives in Florida • Answered December 23
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Here are two Duracell batteries. They look the same, but they’re not. There’s a very big difference between the two.

People looking at this picture are probably thinking the...

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Mac Singh, Nutritionist, Founder @Fitelo • Answered June 18, 2022
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Amongst all the myths running around nutrition, one of the most common is- "I don’t need to eat the yolk; it’s better for my health to just eat egg whites."

The driving forc...

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Vihanna Choudharry, Consulting Vedic astrologer and vastu expert. • Answered December 29
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(2+0+2+3 = 7)

The New Year 2023 begins with Ketu placed in the air sign of Libra in Swati nakshatra. Ketu is denoted with the number 7 and Libra is the 7th sign of Zodiac, s...

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Ira J Perlow, Solar PV grid-tied Owner, Hybrid Car & Electronic Engineer • Updated November 8, 2021

If a solar panel is 40% efficient, where did the other 60% go, heat, reflection, or electrical resistance?

Based upon the mention of electrical resistance in the question, I...

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Charles Edwards, studied at Faith Bible Institute (2016) • Answered December 25

Poor planning. My father retired at 55. He had A plan. No back up. Just a plan. He and his wife were going to buy an RV and tour the United States. Had his pension sewed up...

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Asked in Relationship with Narcissist • Answered by Mari-Grecia Odal • December 30

For me, this was surprising. But all of a sudden I came to see him this way:

He was no longer a person, I had liked, no longer liked, nor was I any longer afraid of him past...

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Luis Doriocourt, 26+ years living with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. • Answered October 24

My answer to Sadiq Hussaini ‘s question My blood sugar is 6.5 two hours after I eat, but it is 8.5 in the morning. Why? - If those numbers are correct, you likely have type...

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Asked in Humans: instructions Θέματα από το Quora 32Θέματα από το Quora 32 • Answered by Davide Fiore • December 28
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Imagine virtually wandering around the web using Google Earth and suddenly being drawn to something, you focus and realize that in the middle of a small house yard is a hug...

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Jurgena Kapllani, WRITER ARTICLE , (2006-present) • Answered October 20
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Preferably, fruit should be eaten before the two main meals because the fibers it contains help reduce the absorption of simple sugars, thus reducing the glycemic index of ...

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CA Revanth Kumar, Assistant Manager at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (2018-present) • Answered April 30, 2019

Well this is a sort of tricky question where it is very common that people may commit a mistake.

Since the question says Mr X has 4 daughter and each of them has a brother. ...

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