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Why is a transformer rated in KVA?

Prasad Vasant Joshi, Electrical Engineer • Updated March 16, 2018


Transformer is a static device which transfers electrical power from one AC circuit to the other AC circuit by means of increasing or decreasing voltage (or current) ...

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What retinol cream is the best and cheapest?

Luisa Fanzani, Skincare formulator and brand owner @ Luisa True Skincare • Updated June 4, 2022 χτεσινό Main-qimg-8ed27684e59425225ddf3bcdbcc89b77-pjlq
Retinol is without a doubt the undisputed king of the skin care world, arguably the most tried and true ingredient of all time. Dermatologists love it, skin care influencer...

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 χτεσινό Imp?ct=1680442200939156&id=33b7b8a913314c31ab779e0a3ec2cb3b&is_mobile=False&new_digest_email_exp_version=v0&uid=qQenM1ZAyNy

Why did Afrikaners choose Orania as their new home instead of other parts of South Africa like Pretoria or Johannesburg?

Dawie Beyers, lives in South Africa (1975-present) • Answered September 27, 2022

I just want to ask where did you get your facts from? Do you actually know how many Afrikaners stay in Orania vs how many Afrikaners live in the rest of SOUTH AFRICA?

The fa...

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Which is the best protein food?

VikramadityaAnswered October 12, 2020 χτεσινό Main-qimg-e02cde903c6098f613305ee30d55d12f-lq
Best protein rich foods are :-

1. Boiled Egg

1 egg= 6gm protein

2. Paneer...

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What is the difference between B.C. and B.C.E.?

GOLDHUNTER, I read a lot and studied - and I take Judaism seriously. • Answered August 6, 2022


Those are simply two different abbreviations for exactly the same thing.

B.C. stands for ‘Before Christ’, and it SPECIFICALLY a Christian reference.

B.C.E. stands for...

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Do mirrors help in increasing the efficiency of solar panels? If yes, then why and how does it happen?

Brett Bergan, lives in Wisconsin (1993-present) • Answered August 20, 2022 χτεσινό Main-qimg-2ecbdfc3692bd0e9d95222211567611e-pjlq
This has been tried by probably everyone who has ever had more than a passing interest in solar energy. I remember standing in my front yard on a sunny day with an ammeter ...

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Did Moses go to Heaven in the Bible? If not, why didn't he go to Heaven?

Simon Rasec, studied at Theocratic Ministry School • Answered March 5, 2022 χτεσινό Main-qimg-03ba33325ff8cfe7788952bd13a30572-lq
Did Moses go to heaven? No, according to John 3:13. Why? Because in heaven there is no beer!

Seriously? Moses is one of the faithful ones who is waiting for the city, or cou...

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Why do we urinate?

Marc Lawrence, I've written a few books and read a few more • Answered December 13 χτεσινό Main-qimg-625af5d90b608033006533e9750c1705-lq
If urine is retained within the bladder it will eventually begin to go back up the ureter and into your kidneys. At best you will get a kidney infection, at worst your kidn...

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Is Prince Edward's child disabled?

Denise Tanner, former Therapist. Mental Health Professional at National Health Service • Answered June 13, 2022

I don’t believe either of the Wessex children are disabled. Lady Louise was born prematurely and had a visual impairment, strabismus, a condition whereby a person cannot al...

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Why are Duracell batteries so expensive?

Andrew J Wilson, Polymath-Autodidact-Freethinker_66-Years-Of-Feline-Servitude • Updated October 26, 2018 χτεσινό Main-qimg-a1cfbf814fc219b19a56d4bbc3e87f35-pjlq
I have just finished a 2 to 3 year practical test of Duracell and Eveready AA Alkaline batteries against a variety of cheaper similar batteries.

The result is that batteries...

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Can you tell me what time you sleep and what time do you wake up?

Ray Schilling, Blogger, retired physician and cancer researcher. (2010-present) • Answered April 12, 2022

The best time to fall asleep is between 10 and 11PM, because this fits into the diurnal hormone rhythm. Sleep for 7 to 8 hours every night. Sleeping less shortens your telo...

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Why was Diana's casket not inside the church during Harry & Meghan's wedding?

Rosalind Dalefield, lives in Masterton, New Zealand • Answered January 2

Diana isn’t in a casket, she is in a lead-lined coffin. I trust you understand the difference between a casket and a coffin? Diana’s coffin is buried on an island in the es...

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