How to apply for your share of Facebook's $725 million settlement in a privacy lawsuit 32 How to apply for your share of Facebook's $725 million settlement in a privacy lawsuit. 
People who had an active Facebook account between May 2007 and December 2022 have until Aug. 25 to enter a claim online for a share of a $725 million class-action settlement of a lawsuit alleging privacy violations by Facebook. The lawsuit was prompted in 2018 after Facebook disclosed that the information of 87 million users was improperly shared with political consultancy Cambridge Analytica. It's not clear yet how much money you will get because payouts depend on how many users submit claims and how long each user maintained a Facebook account. You can make a claim by visiting and entering your name, address, email address, and confirming you live in the U.S. and were active on Facebook between the aforementioned dates. Go here to make a claim.

How to apply for your share of Facebook's $725 million settlement in a privacy lawsuit 3_eaay31