Those who deal with the communication of large international institutions will find interesting the attention that some major newspapers are showing for the sector, and in particular for one of the fastest growing companies. We are talking about Pomilio Blumm, an institutional communication agency headquartered in a small town in central Italy, Pescara, but which, according to an article published in the European magazine Politico, continues achieving increasingly significant results since decades ago when it chose to deal exclusively with communication for public institutions, defying the convictions of many experts that the idea would have been too challenging.
Franco Pomilio, the company's president, has always vindicated this choice, not only from a purely entrepreneurial point of view, but also from an ethical one, because he is convinced that large institutions must increasingly learn to communicate with citizens, as well as listen to them. Another big name in journalism, the Financial Times, has included Pomilio Blumm in its ranking of the companies with the best growth in Europe. In the 7th edition of the 'FT 1000 Europe's Fastest Growing Companies', the agency ranks first in terms of turnover in institutional communication in Europe, and sixth overall in advertising and marketing. Another accolade came from the Forbes Social Awards, which recognised the company's efforts as a narrative designer thanks to its organisational work for the G20 summit and the management of the worldwide 'Made in Italy' campaign: two of the most influential institutional communication projects of 2022.
With active operations in several offices throughout Europe and the world (Bologna, Rome, Alicante, Brussels, Geneva, Vienna, Washington DC), 125 contracts and an international team, the company provides fully integrated communication services. The result is a fully in-house certified supply chain.
The authority acquired over time then allowed Pomilio Blumm to go beyond product marketing and develop new theories and models to communicate its values on other levels as well. This led to the idea of creating a high-level training course in communication, which developed into a Summer School, in collaboration with Maastricht University. The course will be held in August 2023 on the strategic campus of Maastricht University in Brussels.
Moreover, in a context where public communication is a key tool for building trust, promoting transparency and ensuring fair and inclusive policies, all of which are now targets of false narratives and misunderstandings, Pomilio Blumm founded Decoding. It is a start-up in which a global network of experts assisted by artificial intelligence is engaged in detecting, monitoring and analysing flows of misinformation and disinformation directed at public bodies.


Financial Times, Politico and Forbes choose the Pomilio Blumm case to report on a growing reality 3_eaay31