Is lightning AC or DC?
Loring Chien, electrical engineer and audiophile for 45 years • Updated July 4, 2022

This calls into question the definition of AC and DC.
Its not continuous for the foreseeable past and the foreseeable future. So its not constant where a constant voltage (l...
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Is vitamin C or retinol better for the skin?
Luisa Fanzani, Skincare formulator and brand owner @ Luisa True Skincare • Updated October 16, 2022
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Both vitamin C and retinol should be in any anti-aging skincare routine.
Yes, you need both.
Retinol minimizes wrinkles and evens out skin tone by stimulating collagen produc...
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How much walking per day is too much?
Eileen M. Gormley, former Crime Reporter (1983-2000) • Answered April 24, 2022

The amount that stresses your body.
For most people, walking for 10k steps a day is no problem and keeps them in decent health. Many can do 20k without harm. But some people...
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What is the saddest truth about life?
Aakarsh Rauniyar, studied at Delhi Public School (2019) • Updated May 17, 2021

God created the donkey and said to him, You'll be a donkey and carry everyone's burden and will live for 40 years.” The donkey said, “Carrying burdens is OK, but 40 years ...
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How can I make my brain work faster and sharp for everything, especially studies?
Mr X, Success Expert • Answered February 22
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If you want to achieve more in your studies, the key is to maximize your brain power. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to increase your brain function and become a high-pe...
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What happens in a crematory when a body is brought in?
Luise, worked at Own Business • Answered September 23, 2022
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The crematorium is a mystery.
Many, many are now cremated and hardly anyone knows what goes on there.
I found a video that shows exactly what happens there.
I don't know if yo...
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What are the basic skills in life?
Virat Chaudhary, works at • Answered September 7, 2018

[list="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"][*]Dress well.
[*]Speak clear and confident.
[*]Life purpose.

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How much does it cost to install a roof top solar panel and battery at home?
Brett Bergan, Resident of Earth • Answered January 14
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I’ve lain in bed many a night over the past 20 years dreaming up the ideal solar or wind power systems, and probably the best idea has been a fully solar-powered attic. You...
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What hurts a narcissist forever?
Teresa Santana, studied at Mechanical Engineering (2019) • Updated April 5

1. They are hurt when you leave and be at peace without them.
Narcissists are hurt when you leave and be at peace without them. They want to hold on to you but they don’t wa...
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Why do cracks occur at 45 degrees in a beam?
Kaushik Kanji, Diploma, and experience in construction sector • Answered January 20, 2018
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It is a very good question and trobled me a lot in my college days. Maximum professors will tell you due to shear. But why exactly due to shear?
Let me explain you this answ...
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What is the speed of electric current? If I switch on a light, how will I know how much time it would take for the light to glow?
William Beaty, Electrical Engineer 35yrs, electrostatics hobbyist, Amasci site • Updated February 5
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Electric current is a flow of electricity. So, first define the word “Electricity!”

Scientific definition: electricity is the protons, electricity is the electrons (quanti...
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