The Senate passes the debt ceiling bill, leaving it for President Biden to sign into law just ahead of Monday's deadline for default. Plus, a gun store owner closes his business in response to recent mass shootings, and a man who ate only McDonald's for 100 straight days shares how he lost nearly 60 pounds. 

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Kardashians και άλλα 32 The Senate passed the debt ceiling bill, sending it to Biden to become law and avert financial disaster.

The Senate voted 63-36 last night to pass a bill that would extend the debt ceiling for two years and establish a two-year budget agreement. The bill now goes to the desk of President Biden, who is expected to sign it and avert an economically catastrophic debt default with only days to spare before Monday's deadline. "America can breathe a sigh of relief. Because in this process we are avoiding default," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said. The bill will cap spending for the next two years with a modest cut to nonmilitary spending and a modest expansion in defense spending. Here's the latest

A gun store owner is shuttering his business after recent mass shootings targeting children.

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A gun store owner near Atlanta said he is closing his shop out of good conscience after reflecting on recent mass shootings that targeted young children. Jon Waldman, 43, has been doing steady business at Georgia Ballistics in Duluth since opening in 2021. However, he said a shooter at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee, who killed three children and three adults, and another inside an Atlanta hospital who killed a CDC employee were the final straws for him. “I’m not against the Second Amendment. But just with my conscience, I can’t sell it, because I don’t know who it’s going to affect and hurt," he told NBC News. He also recently had a customer request an exorbitant amount of ammunition. "When you order 4,000 rounds, the kind of stuff that goes through engine blocks, refrigerators and vests that police officers wear, I just can't sell that," he said. Read his story here

Kardashians και άλλα 32 A man who ate only McDonald's for 100 days shares how he reached his weight-loss goal — and then some.

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For Kevin Maginnis, a McDonald's experiment was more "Downsize Me" than "Super Size Me." After 100 straight days of eating only McDonald's with a goal of losing 50 pounds, the Tennessee man shared with TODAY that he didn't reach his goal — he exceeded it. Maginnis, 57, went from 238 pounds to 179.5 pounds by eating three Mickey D's meals a day but cutting the portions in half. He also skipped snacks and only drank water. Perhaps most surprisingly, he dramatically lowered his cholesterol and his blood sugar. See what a dietitian thinks about his approach, particularly his sodium intake. 

Kardashians και άλλα 32 I changed my name in my 30s for fun — but it weirded people out.

Jay Vera Summer grew up as Jessica (one of three Jessicas on her block) before deciding to change her full name in her 30s for "fun and self expression." In a charming essay for, Jay shares how she came up with the name, and then the puzzled reactions she received after she legally changed it. "At first, the person would assume I was joking. Then the questions would come: Is there a warrant out for your arrest or something?" she writes. The most extreme reaction came from her parents, who were bewildered she'd actually gone through with it. Read how she eventually claimed the name as her own and reached a place of peace with friends and family.

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Wellness culture is all over social media and with it comes a lot of bad advice about nutrition. Christy Harrison, a nutritionist and author of the new book "The Wellness Trap," shared 5 myths that wellness culture has tricked us into believing. No, we don't need to "detox" our bodies, juice cleanses are not a "cure" for anything, and supplements won't fix everything that's ailing you. See all of her advice here, including an important take on "clean" eating and processed food. 

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Kardashians και άλλα Eggplant-caponata-pasta-salad-mc-230529

If you like your pasta salad packed with savory flavors minus the mayo, this colorful eggplant caponata salad from recipe developer Kayla Hoang can be your go-to dish this summer. The eggplant caponata is simmered in a sweet and sour tomato-based sauce, and it pairs deliciously with pine nuts, raisins, onion, garlic, parsley and basil. It also gets better the longer it sits in the fridge, so it's perfect to make ahead of your next summer cookout or weekday lunch. Get the recipe

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