Carlos Rodriguez, works at Japan • Updated September 15, 2018

[list="padding: 0;margin: 0;"][*]Try not to spend your money & time around the sketchy areas of Roppongi, Shibuya, Shinjuku. Not all places are like that, but beware of accepting invitations from guys/girl...

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Asked in The Impeachment Of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris • Answered by Lance Wyoming • October 30, 2022

12 months ago my wage was more than double minimum wage and I was middle class. Now medium wage is living paycheck to paycheck. My bills grew 36 percent with absolutely no ...

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Colin Watters, BSC Electrical and Electronics Engineering & Ex Glider Pilot, University of Sout... • Answered February 21

The law of gravity does not say ayerything that goes up must come down. That's just what we typically experience when we throw a ball or stone in the air. If we could throw...

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John Cate, Freelance Public Relations Specialist, Bethel, NC • Answered June 6, 2020
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Vitali would win that fight.

He is all wrong for Tyson Fury. Fury really has nothing he can use to beat Vitali with.

Fury was able to beat his brother, but that was after Wla...

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Asked in Entrepreneurial Mindset • Answered by Sachidu Maleesha • February 17
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Hi there! Thank you for asking this question. Starting a business is an excellent way to achieve financial independence and create a career that aligns with your passions a...

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Saghir Ahmad, M.A Statistics & Applied Psychology, The Science School (2000) • Answered May 27

The right expression would be “these people”

"These" is an illustrative modifier used to allude to items or individuals that are close by or inside the quick setting. It is ...

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Nasir Afaf, Ex global head Trading/Quants/Struct large banks • Updated August 12, 2022
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Large scale?

I would invite you to trade with a billion.

I know one trader who tried to move USDJPY 5 pips in the old days by putting on about 3 billion dollars.

He failed and...

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Sam Park, studied Fashion Marketing at Yonsei University (2019) • Answered May 27, 2020
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1. Rosé

I think Rosé will have the most disadvantage. Although she might still be famous, she doesn’t fit the Korean beauty standards, and she’ll have to stop using her high...

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Asked in Entrepreneurial Mindset • Answered by Katie Melissa • August 23, 2022
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Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind an economy. They are the ones who create jobs, increase revenue, and bring innovation to the workforce. Entrepreneurship helps to...

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Asked in Only Truth About Russia • Answered by Elena Gold • Wed
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Let me think.

  • The dam that Russia took control of on the first day of the war, 24 February 2022 and has controlled since.
  • The dam that Russia admitted it had mined, when Ukra...


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Stefan Ong, Corporate Slave at Human Resources • Answered February 27, 2018

If you look at the worst tourist in the world. Indonesians are nowhere near the list of the worst tourist in abroad. My answer focus on travelers, not Indonesians living ab...

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Asked in Human mind readers • Answered by William • January 26
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1. Everyone is human

Remember that the people you think are 'cool' are really no different than you.

Everyone has their own problems, insecurities and doubts.

Stop thinking th...

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