Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it?

Geoffrey Widdison, Chemical Engineer (2006-present) • Answered September 7, 2018

If it costs you $20,000 to install solar panels, and your electricity bill is only $50 a month (and the panels don’t totally eliminate your bill, just reduce it), it’s hard...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56166Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec119

Why did NASA leave astronauts behind when they left the moon? Why didn't they take them back to Earth with them?

Chris Harrington, The Earth can't be anything but a sphere. • Answered May 13

Ah yes, that sad, sad day when they left a man behind on the Moon to die. I'll never forget where I was when I heard about the heroic death of poor old… wait, what's his na...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e561.9KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec472

Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? Imp?ct=1687355809043294&id=f490907b05d945a5a43e68120b4af22c&is_mobile=False&new_digest_email_exp_version=v0&uid=qQenM1ZAyNy
What voltage are electric car motors?

M A N I .P • Updated June 2
Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? Main-qimg-55109c00f57d9cfc47c8e07c98cd9c68-pjlq
The voltage of electric car motors can vary depending on the specific design and application of the motor. However, most electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicle...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56501Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec40

Why shouldn't I charge my phone overnight, and what are other tips for maintaining a phone’s battery life?

Aren Anderton, Electronics Technician • Updated July 9, 2020

Lithium batteries used in modern phones are designed to be charged overnight. While this isn’t the absolute healthiest option for it, it usually easily justifies the conven...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e561.1KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec97

Did Adam and Eve die in the flood during Noah’s time?

Kathy Atwood, Study and personal research and interest (60 years of study) • Answered May 27

According to Scriptural reckoning from the pre-Flood ages of named men, Adam was created in 4026 BCE. Genesis 5:5 records: "So all the days of Adam’s life amounted to 930 y...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56354Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec217

What is sandwich massage?

Eloise Abraham, See how I save up to 90% with Mighty Travels Premium. • Answered September 21, 2022

A sandwich massage is a type of massage that is performed by two therapists working in tandem.
One therapist massages the client's back while the other therapist massages th...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e562.3KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec248

Why are immigrants leaving Canada?

Ed Waag • Updated January 29, 2019

I know many European immigrants who returned back to Europe in a short time, just after realizing that their lives were actually much better in Europe. Quality of everythin...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e562.2KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec611

What foods destroy testosterone?

Pavels, Master's degree Civil Engineering & Environmental Engineering, Riga Technical Un... • Updated June 12
Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? Main-qimg-72ea909717d6f895f91e93d10027fb2f
The list is long, but it is not complete:
There is a widely held belief that the regular consumption of soy products such as edamame, tofu, soy milk, and miso c...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e561.1KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec63

What person destroyed their entire life by making one simple mistake?

Gretis Li, Live in the Now • Answered January 10

I invested in this crypto coin called SHIB in spring of 2021. I bought 12.7 billion SHIB. For $800. Soon after SHIB exploded in value and my investment was worth $200,000+....
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56888Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec82

Why is it illegal to flush a toilet in Switzerland?

Daniel Schwarz Carigiet, Lives in Switzerland • Updated June 8, 2020

It’s also illegal to poop in Switzerland. Little known fact.
We have to drive abroad and avail ourselves of a “toilette” in France, a “gabinetto” in Italy or a “WC” in Germa...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e562.1KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec195

Is frying with olive oil healthy?

Lucia Garcia, Worked at Hospitals • Answered November 11, 2022
Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? Main-qimg-ae7a8c2a0a7301c70f1289b230ec25c2-pjlq
Olive oil is the most suitable edible oil for the human body. It is made by directly cold pressing fresh olives.
Generally speaking, cooking oil with a higher smoke point is...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56322Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec40

What is the hardest material in existence?

Silk Road, AI Expert • Answered May 14
Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? Main-qimg-7e353059180f2be4ff6015c99b539f7a
The hardest material in existence is not diamond, contrary to popular belief. Diamond is only the hardest naturally occurring and abundant material on Earth. There are actu...
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Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e565.9KShouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec177

Shouldn't everyone be installing solar panels on their home? Can't you only gain from it? 3_eaay31