I was exposed to HIV from a positive male whose viral load is 500. He is on medication. I am scared. I tested 6 weeks later and it was negative. I'm still scared. What should I do?

Ben L., Lives with HIV • Answered May 30

Go to therapy.
I get it, it was scary. That sucks and I’m sorry. But:

[list="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"][*]500 is a very low viral load. We’re a little spoiled by modern tests which have incredibly accuracy- mos...

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At what age does the aging process speed up?

Mansour Ansari, 63.3M content views • Updated May 4
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River of life -
I am 68, and I know this!
So, the aging process is a natural part of life that begins in early adulthood and gradually progresses over time. While the rate of...
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Can I hack a scammer?

Steven ConradD.C.Sc. - Cybersecurity Adv for the East Anglian University • Updated June 16, 2022

Hacking scammers is simple!
I’ve done it many times, or worse let them infect their own computers, they seem to just disappear offline! Quora Digest 32
Many scammers have no idea of where ...
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What do most retired people over 70 do all day?

Barb Callahan, former Staff Accountant (2002-2012) • Answered May 17

I am 73 and have been retired for 8 years. My days are filled with cooking three meals a day. Feeding my little dog and the birds outside. I spend time watering my flower b...
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Why do most of the heart attacks take place between 3 and 4 am?

Dr.Ganeshakrishnan Iyer, MBBS, MS, MCh. Lead Consultant - CTVS Surgery • Answered October 29, 2022

It is really an interesting question, and the answer is not what you might think. It's not because people eat a lot in the middle of the night. It's not because of sleep ap...
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What's the most useful social skill?

Sushang Agnihotri, Change yourself completely by following these things • Updated July 19, 2022
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1. Always be the last person to break eye contact.
2. Put your smartphone in your pocket "and keep it there until your conversation or meeting is over."
3. Call people by nam...
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Did Adam and Eve die in the flood during Noah’s time?

Kathy Atwood, Study and personal research and interest (60 years of study) • Answered May 27

According to Scriptural reckoning from the pre-Flood ages of named men, Adam was created in 4026 BCE. Genesis 5:5 records: "So all the days of Adam’s life amounted to 930 y...
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Why are we not allowed to measure voltage from the neutral wire to the ground wire in an electrical wiring system?

William Bowblis, former Engineering Specialist at Intersil, RCA, Harris Semiconductor (1975-2016) • Answered January 3

I was very tempted to join the fun here, but am opting for a straight answer. There is no reason you can’t measure the voltage between ground and neutral. It usually does n...
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