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Asked in Human mind readers • Answered by Olaseni Kehinde Precious • June 8
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[list=padding:0;margin:0][*]If they’re more empathetic towards others, they’re likely to be altruist.
[*]If they are too shy around others, they’re likely to be introvert.
[*]If they talk too much and love to...

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Chris Harrington, Bachelor of Fine Arts from Academy of Art University (2011) • Updated June 7

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No, I don't think you should do that in your classroom, or if you do, at least raise the question respectfully.

Because it's not factually correct.

I'm sorry to be the one to...

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Mcleodproducts, Business Consultant | Digital Marketing Services | IT Guru • Answered July 26
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Electric cars, unlike traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, do not have a conventional transmission with multiple gears. Instead, they use a different type...

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Asked in Human mind readers • Answered by Shubham Gupta • June 27
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[list=padding:0;margin:0][*]Stay humble but never loose your self respect.
[*]You are beautiful, Don’t stare at anyone.
[*]Don’t run behind every girls except your love.
[*]Walk like a king, don’t look hear and t...

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Dr Abhinav Jain, Consultant Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist (2020-present) • Answered April 18, 2018

Here is a list of Do’s and Dont’s that will help you in general to keep up the health of your liver


[list=padding:0;margin:0][*]Exercise regularly: This will add more years to your liver. Fatty li...

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Lori WilliamsAnswered December 18, 2022

Silence is the best revenge because it causes the person who hurt you to worry and wonder what you're up to. It's also a way of gaining control over the situation by refusi...

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Dick Harfield, lives in Sydney, Australia • Answered July 12

Before delving into an analysis of Luke 1:1-4, it should be noted that we do not know the real name of the author, although he is known by convention as ‘Luke’.

Luke 1:1 say...

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Asked in Human mind readers • Answered by Priyanshu Gupta • June 8
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[list=padding:0;margin:0][*]Be proud of who you are and treat yourself with kindness and care.
[*]Appreciate the good things in your life and express gratitude.
[*]Explore different activities and discover wh...

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T. William Simon, Shade-tree Mechanic • Updated December 21, 2018

Nope, in fact, just the opposite, you will burn more fuel.

In a manual transmission vehicle, going downhill in neutral means the engine and wheels are mechanically disconnec...

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Alex Calet, BA Hons History, University of Sheffield (1998) • Answered April 27
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I presume you mean that they use what are known as “wash-out” toilet pans - like this:

It is said that these are popular in Germany because the Germans like to check on the ...

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Weightslossdiet (website), Health Director | Loving Father | Business Director • Answered May 22
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Waking up at 4 AM is a common problem for many people, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. In this article, we will explore some of the most common reasons why pe...

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Jaap Folmer, Dutch; in SA '96-'99 working for NGO at Fort Hare U. • Answered February 17

And not to mention the vast amount of sunshine in the Karoo that Denmark does not have.

But Denmark has something that South Africa does not have: a well organized functiona...

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