Hey there!
Exciting update—Buffer’s AI Assistant is not just smart, it’s now social media smart! Here's what's new: 
  • Social Smarts: Customized responses depending on the social network you pick.

  • Composer-Ready: Now available right where you need it—the composer.

  • Tweak Your Tone: Select a formal or casual style for the AI to follow.

  • Trained on Your Audience: Tell the AI about your target audience.

Select a formal or casual style for the AI to follow 1697187656526_Blog%20Header%20:%20Email%20_01HCM48WWZJWSANN6AQK2T94S1
Select a formal or casual style for the AI to follow Phill%20Buffer%20Headshot
Phill and the Buffer team
P.S. Want a challenge? Sign up for the AI Accelerator, our new course built to help you grow on social by 2x in just 2 weeks (it's free)!

Select a formal or casual style for the AI to follow 3_eaay31