What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach?

Suraj Kumar, Computer Science Diploma from GP Dumka (2018) • Answered December 16, 2022
What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? Main-qimg-4e16b01c330464e2577241845bdbc240-lq
1). Yogurt
Yogurt is a great food to eat on an empty stomach, especially first thing in the morning. It’s packed with probiotics that help maintain a healthy digestive syste...
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What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56100What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec2

If I'm diabetic, should I eat pure honey?

Bella, Surgeon at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York (2011-present) • Updated December 5, 2022
What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? Main-qimg-0930d5e9f36ebb5301deac7e469122b0
Diabetics often wonder about the glycemic index effect of honey and whether they can use honey as a natural sweetener while taking advantage of its medicinal properties. Fo...
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What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56357What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec15

What is the best food to eat on an empty stomach? 3_eaay31