I was in emotional pain. Walking depressed towards the rickshaw stand. I sat down quietly, thinking about the things that were pressurizing me. Couldn’t think of anything else. I was on the brink of crying, just then a poor boy appeared.

“Please brother, give me something to eat. I’m hungry.”

From his looks, I could see he was starving for days. He was lean, around 15 years old. His eyes were pale, his hands trembled even when he was holding my hand. But his eyes were already filled with tears, unlike mine.

I searched my pant pocket, Found 100₹. Gave him immediately without a second thought. 100₹ was all I had that moment. So didn’t have anything else to give.

There was a supermarket in front of the bus stand. I told him to buy some snacks there for now and save 50₹ for later.

He bought some snacks. He came towards me. His gloomy face turned to joyous. He folded both his hands and said

Thanks Anna (Brother).

I was glad that I could make someone’s life joyful even if it is for a day.

Days passed on.

I was really hungry. I didn’t eat that afternoon. So decided to go out and get some snacks. I saw the same supermarket and decided to buy some snacks for myself.

Went ahead and got some snacks loaded in the cart. When I was about to bill, I checked my pocket. Unfortunately, I had only 10 ₹ Forgot to bring my wallet. So I decided to buy some cool drinks. I told them to bill the cool drinks alone.

The owner of the shop saw this commotion and came sternly towards me. He was sitting in a near distance from the cashier. So he heard the entire conversation. He said,

“Brother, You did really make that small boy’s life joyful that day, Why don’t I return the pleasure?”

I was moved to tears. I didn’t have much to say. I hesitated to take, But he being stubborn didn’t bill me that day.

Yes, I believe in karma.

Happy Saturday :relieved:

#emotionalintelligence #coaching #training #psychology #emotions
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