Κατρίτσης και Ρηγάτος Original
Κατρίτσης και Ρηγάτος Original
A message from the Licensing team:
Changes Required!
Κατρίτσης και Ρηγάτος V2?v=1&sig=e0f25fed79c6e0ef10051329ba9e3785fc40d38d58911c94ded1eac468aa33b1
Hey Egal,
We've reviewed your submission and have identified 1 or more issues that require changes in order to be licensed.
To view your required changes:
Go to your Photo Manager and click “View Licensing form”.
Next steps: Complete any required changes and re-upload your photo.

View Required Changes

Read our release guide and submission requirements guide to learn more.

Κατρίτσης και Ρηγάτος 3_eaay31