Subject: Safety of Citizens of your Country are risk  9_eaau23
Date 07/30/2022                                                                      ATCRF/220730/001

THE HONORABLE PRESIDENT Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Vasileos Georgiou B', n.2

Athens P.C. 100 28 GREECE
Subject: Safety of Citizens of your Country are risk
Your Excellency,
In the past few years, the world has witnessed how the corrupted officials in control over the State of Qatar have been exposed for their malicious attempts to cause destruction and chaos to many countries around the world.
Today, these corrupted authorities have come to realize that their devious actions will not be passing without accountability and they currently fear the worst is yet to come against them and that they will be held accountable for every malicious act they have imposed on many countries.
These corrupted individuals fear that others will strike against them at their highest moment, which would during the hosting of FIFA 2022, whereby several millions of citizens across the Globe may be placed in harm’s way, hence honourable Leadership of all countries should be aware that their own citizens may be placed in the crossfires of such conflicts.
Such inevitable occurrence has been unfortunately confirmed by Qatar’s corrupted officials themselves, whereby they fear that they will be targeted through multiple platforms, in any way possible, in such they have sought the assistance of many countries to protect them from the unexpected.
They publicly disclosed that they fear to be targeted through chemical, biological, Nuclear, cyber, or even ground, air and sea attacks, whereby they have exploited all means to assure that they render the State of Qatar on high alert during the hosting, even by engaging foreign military and police forces on the ground in Qatar during the hosting event.
Herein you shall find the self-explanatory links indicating their underlying intentions of the inevitable:
  1. Turkey to take on biological and chemical threats at Qatar’s World Cup (
  2. Turkey to send 3,250 police officers to FIFA World Cup in Qatar, with no responsibility for human rights violations (
  3. NATO to provide security assistance for Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup (
  4. Qatar, Turkey team up to discuss security at FIFA World Cup 2022- Those to be deployed during the tournament include 3,000 riot police officers, 100 Turkish special forces, 50 bomb detection dogs and their operators, 50 bomb experts and other staff – all of whom will be on duty for some 45 days. (
  5. UK announces RAF and Royal Navy support to Qatar World Cup 2022
  6. The UK has announced its commitment to helping Qatar deliver a safe and secure FIFA World Cup 2022 (,UK%20announces%20RAF%20and%20Royal%20Navy%20support%20to%20Qatar%20World,met%20with%20the%20Prime%20Minister.)
  7. UK military to help keep fans safe at Qatar World Cup, says Ministry of Defence (
  8. Cyber professionals from Morocco to boost security at 2022 FIFA World Cup (
  9. 15 million cyber threats targeting Qatar blocked this year (
  10. Top-7 Cybersecurity Breaches in Qatar (
  11. Contact Tracing App in Qatar Exposed Data of 1 Million People, Amnesty International Says (
  12. Mystery virus attack blows Qatari gas giant RasGas offline (
  13. British forces to provide counter-terror policing at Qatar World Cup (
  14. The UK Ministry of Defence has announced that it will assist Qatar in safeguarding the security of its airspace during the Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup (
  15. RAF and Royal Navy will help keep fans safe at Qatar World Cup, says MoD (
  16. Qatar, Italy, and police cooperation on World Cup security (
  17. FIFA World Cup in Qatar to use drones to help protect stadiums against terrorism (
  18. Qatar to use drones to protect World Cup stadiums from attacks (
  19. Qatar, US Navy and FIFA World Cup protection (
  20. Iran, Qatar discusses cooperation on World Cup 2022 (

Based on the relevant facts outlined herein, it is evident that the corrupted authorities in control over the State of Qatar are well aware of the tremendous danger associated with the FIFA 2022 hosting and as per their own acknowledgment they are well aware that such danger will pause several risks on people’s lives, people visiting from all parts of the world, just to enjoy the games, are going to be placed in harm’s way, for who’s benefit?
We, the citizens of the State of Qatar, will not stand by and watch these corrupted authorities place innocent citizens of the world in situations that will pose any risks to their lives.
Leadership of all nations should not place their citizens in such situation, and never in the history of FIFA or any game whatsoever was the safety of the people ever been threatened, never to the extent whereby the hosting country is seeking the assistance of not one but several dozen countries to support them in securing the hosting of the games.
Publicly stating that they have sought the assistance of many countries for support in expected cyberattack, in expected bomb threats, chemical and biological attack, terrorism attack and many other unexpected forms of dangerous acts that they are implying that they might be subjected to.
Using foreign military, Police, experts and naval army all in the process of securing the safety of fans and visitors, such process is unacceptable, and no one has the right to place these lives in any unnecessary risks.
Hence, we appeal to all honourable leadership of all nations, by asking you:
  1. Are you willing to trust the same individuals who have been financing terrorism and extremism for decade with the lives of your own citizens?
  2. Are you prepared to take up the shared responsibilities of the outcome of these events?
  3. Are you confident that these claims of attacks may just as well be another malicious approach acted by the same individuals who claim to seek protection?
  4. Are you able to compromise your credibility for individuals who have deceived their own neighbouring countries for decade?
  5. Do you trust individuals who have exiled, tortured and detained several members of their own ruling family and citizens of the state in the process of maintaining power?
  6. Are you inclined in allowing your own citizens to go to a country that has been harbouring terrorists and extremists for decades and during that hosting all these terror groups leadership are in the country during the events?

The responsibility will be borne on every single leader around the globe, as they were all notified of the potential risks associated during the hosting of FIFA 2022, and every leader still have their chance to right what may be wrong in the near future.
Although these corrupted authorities are part of the Gulf Cooperation Council, they have sought the assistance of other countries for protection, because they are aware of their weaknesses and they intend to hold all these countries responsible and accountable for the planned terror acts that will be unveiled in the country, shifting the blames to others and hide behind the facades as they have always done in the past.
Think about your own people, do not spare them because of empty promises that these corrupted authorities may have given you during the process, do not bargain the lives of your own citizens in return for favours or potential investments.
People may forget what one says, people may also forget what one does, but people would never forget who risked their lives.

Subject: Safety of Citizens of your Country are risk  3_eaay31