When Julie Devaney Hogan was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, friends and family constantly offered to cook meals and bring her food, but Hogan writes for TODAY.com about how she didn't want it. The mom and tech executive wanted to cook for her family while she still had the strength before chemotherapy. "I searched for words that didn’t sound ungrateful as the generous offers continued to pour in, and as I continued to swat them away," she wrote. "One day, a close friend asked me a question that hit me differently: 'I’m not bringing you food. What do you actually want?'" It sparked Hogan to write down 3 areas where friends and loved ones could really help. Hogan also shared the things she didn't need that people kept offering, including introductions to other people who'd had cancer. Read the frank and funny essay here

When I got cancer, everyone brought food. I finally told them what I really wanted (today.com) 3_eaay31