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Mail από Buffer BufferReportCard
Hi there,
Here’s the weekly report card for your organization My Organization. Remember, a little progress each week can add up to big results. Consistency is key!
Mail από Buffer PostsCreated-01GB5040VN85C9K1V2V5GNBWZ9

Well done! You were in the top 30% of Buffer users last week.
Schedule a post →
Mail από Buffer TotalEngagements-01GB4ZP7G6VCC3V6D82HSWG7RX

This report only includes data from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn posts. See which of your posts did best by checking your analytics.
See all of your stats →
Mail από Buffer SPViews

Your Start Page didn't have any views last week. Have you added your Start Page to your link in bio?
Update your Start Page →  
Good luck next week. The whole Buffer team and I are cheering you on!
Mail από Buffer Joels-signature
P.S. If you'd prefer not to receive celebration/report card emails, you can adjust your preferences here.

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