Mail από Buffer Buffer-logo@2x
Hi there,
For one week each year, everyone at Buffer stops what they are doing to come together and work on new projects in mini-teams. It’s an annual tradition and we call it “Build Week”.
This year we worked on 18 new projects in a single week. We built new features for Buffer users, new tools for our community, and new pages to showcase our transparency. 
We’ll share more about all the projects over the coming weeks. But first, with so many new things to launch, it made us wonder; how can we get you, our community, more involved in what we build?
Introducing…  Mail από Buffer 32
Our new Open Beta feature. Mail από Buffer 32
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Now you can access new features before they’re launched, and help us shape the future of Buffer by simply toggling a switch in your Buffer dashboard.
Here are 4 new features you can try today:
  • Facebook Reels Scheduling

  • Compose your post with AI

  • Mastodon Analytics

  • Quick Navigator

And if you have an idea for something else we should build, you can use our brand-new transparent feedback hub to submit your suggestion, upvote other ideas, and keep in touch with our progress.
We’d love to see you there![/size]
Mail από Buffer Phill%20Buffer%20Headshot
Phill and the Buffer team
P.S. Excited to see what else we got up to during Build Week? Read about all the projects here.

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