Weightslossdiet (website), Health Director | Loving Father | Business Director • Answered August 2
When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? Main-qimg-4d5c61e1da18febc040d6ce14946044d
Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day, providing the necessary fuel and nutrients to kickstart our mornings. When it comes to selecting the p...

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When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e56682When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec22

Mark Kisenwether, Egg Farmer (2005-present) • Updated September 26, 2020
When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? Main-qimg-5ffd77edb6637877d9ea9d503a80831e-lq
When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this a wive's tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster?

Some month...

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When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.upvote_20_retina.png-26-3d9494ab59c37e564.2KWhen boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? -4-ans_frontend_assets.icons.comment_20_retina.png-26-4dbd4e9124f23bec677

When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? Imp?ct=1697376860029168&id=877e5a5268284ff8a0adc0e35c62813d&is_mobile=False&new_digest_email_exp_version=v0&uid=qQenM1ZAyNy

When boiling eggs, does adding salt really do anything beneficial for the eggs, or is this an old wives’ tale? Does it "seal" the shells or make the water boil faster? 3_eaay31