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Jennifer Hiranya Rose, Resting in Fullness • Updated March 14
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A few weeks before Albert Einstein’s death he wrote a letter to the family of a recently deceased friend in which he wrote, “For people like us who believe in physics, the ...

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John Anderson, Interested in physics all my life (not always successfully). • Answered September 6, 2015

You are one of those who have a biphasic sleep pattern. Basically, this means that you sleep around four hours, wake, then sleep again.
There is a substantial body of scien...

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Loring Chien, electrical engineer and audiophile for 45 years • Answered July 5, 2022
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A capacitor cannot double voltage on its own. There is no such thing as a voltage doubling capacitor.

There are voltage doubler circuits. consisting of a set of diodes and c...

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Robert Gibbs, Dedicated Christian minister (1974-present) • Answered August 26, 2022

Just to clarify Abel did not rebel against God. We don’t know whether Adam and Eve had any daughters born before their son Cain because the Bible focuses on the birth of so...

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Sanjana Garg, Explore and Discover Quora θέματα 32Quora θέματα 32Answered January 28, 2022
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[list=padding:0;margin:0][*]Always brushing your teeth.
[*]Drink a warm glass of water 5–10 minutes before sleeping. You could even keep a water bottle near you.
[*]Switching off your phone/ laptops/ any digi...

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Luise, worked at Own Business • Answered September 23, 2022
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The crematorium is a mystery.

Many, many are now cremated and hardly anyone knows what goes on there.

I found a video that shows exactly what happens there.

I don't know if yo...

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Tiny Nair, MD, DM FRCP, FACC Cardiology, Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram • Answered August 23, 2022
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‘Your BP is high’ I announced

The lady said ‘Sir please give me some medicine without side effects’


I smile....

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Gary Boyce, B.A. Recreation, SUNY at Brockport (1978) • Updated July 27, 2019

I would say so. I lost my beautiful angel wife last August. She had stage 4 lung with mets to brain cancer-just horrible and shocking and we saw no signs till too late. Som...

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Jim Burton, See how I save 90% on flights with Mighty Travels Premium. • Answered July 18, 2022

WhatsApp is a messaging app that lets you communicate with your friends and family.

GBWhatsApp is a modded version of WhatsApp that lets you do things like change the theme,...

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Asked in Aging with an Attitude • Answered by Imagirl • March 18

I’ll soon be 67 and will share my thoughts on your question. Aging is inevitable if we keep having birthdays and, as for me, I like that I keep having birthdays. I recogniz...

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David Welch, Freelancer • Answered June 28, 2016

Its not an easy thing

People will tell you that can start making 5000 USD per month (on even more money) when you just start your freelancer career, but its not that easy, y...

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Lucia Garcia, Worked at Hospitals • Answered November 8
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As part of a healthy diet, eggs have a reputation as a nutritionally complete food.

There are eggs of different colors, the most common are brown and white eggs.

The breed of...

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