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How much vitamin D should you take to have the longest lifespan possible?
Ray Schilling • Updated November 3, 2021
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Image source: Can You Get Enough Vitamin D from Sun Exposure Alone?

[list="padding-right: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px;"][*]Not long ago the recommended vitamin D3 supplementation was 400 IU per day. But this was only enough to p...

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What is a neutral wire?
David Thomas, Professional Engineer, Civil, Alaska • Answered October 31, 2022
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In the US, in household, 120-volt wiring, a neutral wire is a current-carrying conductor that completes a circuit begun with a 120-volt “hot wire” that passes through an ap...
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If E=mc², then when water is heated, its energy increases. Doesn’t it mean that its mass increases, too? However, a science question at school showed that the mass remained the same. Which one is right?
Franklin Veaux, Professional Writer • Answered October 12, 2022

If e=mc2 so when water is heated, its energy is increased right?


So according to that doesn’t it mean that its mass increased too?

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If a dog is charging at you, and you run towards it, what would be the dog's reaction?
Robin Banks, I love pets, life and being Dr. Phil's idol occasionally • Updated August 12, 2022

I did that when I saw two pitbulls running towards me after getting out of their fenced yard. I figured I had nothing to lose so I ran right at them while yelling, and they...
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What is the difference between the white eggs and the brown eggs?
Lucia Garcia, Worked at Hospitals • Answered November 8
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As part of a healthy diet, eggs have a reputation as a nutritionally complete food.
There are eggs of different colors, the most common are brown and white eggs.
The breed of...
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What is the difference between earthing, grounding and neutral?
Rehmanali Momin, Software Engineer at Boeing India, NIT Surat, Xavierite • Answered June 15, 2015

Earthing and Grounding are two different simple concepts which people often gets confused. Let me explain both of these things in simpler manner.

  • Earthing means connecting...


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I want to make of 30 minutes walk as a habit every day. Is it enough?
Asked in Conqueror Walking Challenges • Answered by William Elliott • December 13
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Image: Me sitting on a bench in the park on a nice Fall afternoon. Beside me, on my left sits Leif, my black Labrador Retriever guide dog.
Well making a habit of walking for...
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What can scammers use against you?
Henry Waylen, studied at Bronte College Of Canada • Answered December 28

Scammers use the fantasy of an ideological or close relationship to control and/or steal from the victim. Whatever you might have shared could be used against you.
All scamm...
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Is Denmark as horrifying as people say?
Sandra Detter, lives in Frisco, TX • Updated December 11, 2018

I just returned from 2 weeks in Denmark and it was horrifying!
-No poverty
-Virtually No homeless people
-No stray pets...
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Is it healthy to eat potatoes?
Ray Rizzel, Head Gardener at In My Garden (2012-present) • Answered January 4
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Is it healthy to eat potatoes? The answer might surprise you.
I'm sure you've heard the old saying "a potato a day keeps the doctor away", but is there any truth to it? As a...
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